GSMNP Overnight Camping- Volunteer Registration

05/03/2025 09:00 AM - 05/04/2025 03:00 PM ET


Abrams Creek Campground to Campsite #1
6537 Abrams Creek Rd
Tallassee, TN 37878
United States of America


Volunteers to support participants during the Great Smoky Mountains National Park backcountry camping trip, Saturday May 3-Sunday May 4, 2025.


Please note: Volunteer roles for this event will include helping participants navigate the trail as well as carrying in gear and helping to set up camp on Saturday, followed by breaking down camp and carrying gear out on Sunday. Volunteers will be required to hike several miles over rough terrain while carrying backpacks and gear. Most volunteers will be staying the night at the Abrams Creek Campground, due to limited availability at the backcountry site. (Campsites are also available Friday, May 2nd for volunteers who wish to arrive early.)


Volunteers must attend training through Great Smoky Mountains National Park or have previous training through Catalyst Sports. Please email with any questions about volunteer training.